Nothing is wasted! Godfrey makes his character animals out of bits of recycled tin cans, wire, bottle caps and beads. He uses a wire cutter as a third hand! He can turn a few bits of tin and some beads into an amazing little rhino or elephant in a moment. His imagination and talent has taken him to new heights, making not only little animals, but very large figures and mounted animal heads – some of which light the room!
Originally from Zimbabwe, 6 years ago Godfrey moved his family of 5 – a wife, 2 daughters and a son, to Salt River, a suburb of Cape Town. In the Cape, there are many markets and craft venues around the area that provide him selling opportunities. He started with his two daughters and wife helping make the products and working at the markets. However, as his collection of pieces has grown, so has his business. Today, he not only ships some of his larger works to sell in galleries in the UK, but also finds the business from Thumbprint Artifacts growing at a rapid pace.Godfrey, now with a team of 5 ‘brothers’ (dear friends) has recently moved from his home to a small workshop studio. And, his daughters can now focus on their studies and not stringing beads! Godfrey told me ‘….you made this happen! With the business I have received from Thumbprint Artifacts, I was able to make this move. I would like to say thank you and I hope you will continue to order from me.’
To view the animals that we currently have in stock, click here, and a BIG thank you from us for your on-going support of our artisans.